
Monday 19 October 2015

                                                           HOW TELEVISION WORK

Most people spend hours each day watching programming on their TV set, however, many people might wonder how in fact television works. There are many parts to this process and many technologies that are involved. Following are the most important processes and technologies involved in making television work.

Main Elements of the TV Process

There are many major elements that are required in order for TV to work. They usually include a video source, an audio source, a transmitter, a receiver, a display device, and a sound device.

Video Source

The video source is the image or program. It can be a TV show, news program, live feed or movie. Usually the video source has already been recorded by a camera.How TV Works

Audio Source

Besides the video source, we also need the audio source. Practically all movies, TV shows and news programs have some sought of audio. Audio source can be in the form of mono, stereo or digitally processed to be later played back with surround sound.


The transmitter is necessary for broadcast television companies that broadcast a free signal to viewers in their area. The transmitter transmits both the video and audio signals over the air waves. Both audio and video signals are electrical in nature and are transformed into radio waves which can then be picked up by receivers (your TV set). A transmitter not only transmits one channels audio or video signal, but in most cases many different channels.

Receiver (TV set)

A receiver is usually integrated in your TV set and this receiver is able to grab radio waves (the transmitted signal) and process these radio waves back to audio and video electric signals that can now be played on your TV set.

Display Device

A display device is usually a TV set, but can also be just a monitor. The display device is able to receive electrical signals (usually sent from the receiver) and turn these electrical signals to a viewable image. Most standard TV sets incorporate a cathode ray tube (CRT), however new display devices can include LCD (liquid crystal display) and Plasma (gas charged display) display devices among others.

Sound Device

While most sound devices are built into your TV set in the form of speakers. Audio signals are obviously needed to match up with the video being shown to the viewer. Many newer TV sets have outputs to send the TV sound to high quality speakers that reproduce sound much better. Since audio signals can include surround sound technology, the TV set is able to send audio signals to the proper speakers located around your room.

Three Major Ways to Receive TV Signals

There are three major ways to receive television broadcasts. They include Broadcast TV, Cable TV and Satellite TV.

Broadcast Television

Broadcast TV is usually defined as TV signals which are transmitted from a terrestrial source, usually a transmission tower. Most broadcast TV signals are free to anyone with a receiver to pick them up. They include traditional TV channels that broadcast standard TV signals on specific radio frequencies.
Television signals are transmitted on a range of radio frequencies (RF) that includes Bands III, IV and V.
The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) has allocated 6 MHz of bandwidth for each TV channel. Each TV channels is on one of 3 bands ranging from Bands III, IV or V. Here is the breakdown:
Band IIIChannels 2 to 6 (54 to 88 MHz)
Band IVChannels 7 to 13 (174-216 MHz)
Band VChannels 14 to 83 (470 to 890 MHz)
VHF (Very High Frequencies) are channels that include channels 2 to 13. UHF (Ultra High Frequencies) are channels that usually include channels 14 to 83.
The Reason for using these Bands is that these radio frequencies are great for carrying TV signals (both audio and video signals). These bands provide high quality audio and video with reatively low interference. These radio waves have a long range and can penetrate structures such as walls and building exteriors.

Satellite TV

Satellite TV uses a different form of transmission. Instead of transmitting signals from the ground, satellite TV transmits from satellites orbiting the earth. Satellite signals are usually digital and encoded and compressed. They require special antennas pointing in specific directions to pick up specific satellite signals. These signals must then be decoded or unencrypted and decompressed to view on a TV set. This usually requires special equipment and most satellite TV services operate on a pay per service fee.

Cable TV

Cable TV is another way to receive TV broadcasts. Instead of the TV signals being transmitted through the air, they are collected from a certain point, and sent from the cable company directly to your home via cable. Just like a phone line is laid from the phone company to your home, so is cable TV. There are many types of cables that are used including copper or fiber optic and the signals that the cable company sends to your home usually are encoded and or compressed. Most homes require technology to unscramble and decompress the signal to view the TV signal on their TV set.

TV Technology Elements

There are many parts to a TV set that allow you to view video images and reproduce audio signals; they include the cathode ray tube, the color process, and the TV Antenna.

Cathode Ray Tube

The cathode ray tube generally called a CRT is a vacuum tube. Inside this vacuum tube are electrons that move rapidly from one field to another (negative to positive). These electrons stream from a positive to negative electric field onto a screen that is coated with phosphor. Phosphor glows when these electrons hit the screen creating an image. TV's create images by creating small pixels or dots on the screen. Thousands of glowing dots on a screen in a certain pattern create a picture. These dots are called pixels and the more pixels on the screen, generally the higher the resolution and better the image quality.

Color Process

Within the cathode ray tube is a beam that shoots electrons onto a screen which is coated with Phosphor. While a black and white TV has one beam, color TV's have three beams; red, blue and green. Color TV's also have one screen which you view your image from, but behind this screen is a sheet of phosphor, black and white TV's only have one sheet of phosphor, color TV's have three sheets of phosphor; red, blue and green.

How to Create Color

The color TV creates colors by mixing both the three types of color beams (red beam, blue beam, and green beam) and the three types of color sheets (red sheet, blue sheet and green sheet). If you would like to create the color blue, the blue beam will hit the blue sheet in the back of the TV screen, for red, the red beam hits only the red sheet. To create yellow, both blue and green beams hit both blue and green sheets. White is when all color beams hit all color sheets. Black is when no beams fire at the sheets.


An antenna is usually required to pick up and receive TV broadcast signals. TV broadcast signals travel a long range and face many obstacles such as walls and other obstructions. In order to capture a strong TV broadcast signal, an antenna is used. Antennas are usually composed of materials that can capture radio frequencies (usually metal). They are normally planted on the roofs of houses or on top of a structure. They are generally light weight and can be from one foot to 20 feet or more.
Besides external antennas, there are plenty of antennas that are made for indoor use. These are smaller in size and weigh less. They may also include amplifiers to make the TV broadcast signal stronger. All antennas are attached to your receiver which usually is your TV set to give your TV set the best possible signal and ultimately the best picture possible.

Friday 16 October 2015

    Launching humans to Mars may not require a full tank of gas

Previous studies have suggested that lunar soil and water ice in certain craters of the moon may be mined and converted to fuel. Assuming that such technologies are established at the time of a mission to Mars, the MIT group has found that taking a detour to the moon to refuel would reduce the mass of a mission upon launch by 68 percent.
The group developed a model to determine the best route to Mars, assuming the availability of resources and fuel-generating infrastructure on the moon. Based on their calculations, they determined the optimal route to Mars, in order to minimize the mass that would have to be launched from Earth -- often a major cost driver in space exploration missions.
They found the most mass-efficient path involves launching a crew from Earth with just enough fuel to get into orbit around Earth. A fuel-producing plant on the surface of the moon would then launch tankers of fuel into space, where they would enter gravitational orbit. The tankers would eventually be picked up by the Mars-bound crew, which would then head to a nearby fueling station to gas up before ultimately heading to Mars.
Olivier de Weck, a professor of aeronautics and astronautics and of engineering systems at MIT, says the plan deviates from NASA's more direct "carry-along" route.
"This is completely against the established common wisdom of how to go to Mars, which is a straight shot to Mars, carry everything with you," de Weck says. "The idea of taking a detour into the lunar system ... it's very unintuitive. But from an optimal network and big-picture view, this could be very affordable in the long term, because you don't have to ship everything from Earth."
The results, which are based on the PhD thesis of Takuto Ishimatsu, now a postdoc at MIT, are published in the Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets.
A faraway strategy
In the past, space exploration programs have adopted two main strategies in supplying mission crews with resources: a carry-along approach, where all vehicles and resources travel with the crew at all times -- as on the Apollo missions to the moon -- and a "resupply strategy," in which resources are replenished regularly, such as by spaceflights to the International Space Station.
However, as humans explore beyond Earth's orbit, such strategies may not be sustainable, as de Weck and Ishimatsu write: "As budgets are constrained and destinations are far away from home, a well-planned logistics strategy becomes imperative."
The team proposes that missions to Mars and other distant destinations may benefit from a supply strategy that hinges on "in-situ resource utilization" -- the idea that resources such as fuel, and provisions such as water and oxygen, may be produced and collected along the route of space exploration. Materials produced in space would replace those that would otherwise be transported from Earth.
For example, water ice -- which could potentially be mined and processed into rocket fuel -- has been found on both Mars and the moon.
"There's a pretty high degree of confidence that these resources are available," de Weck says. "Assuming you can extract these resources, what do you do with it? Almost nobody has looked at that question."
Building a network in space
To see whether fuel resources and infrastructure in space would benefit manned missions to Mars, Ishimatsu developed a network flow model to explore various routes to Mars -- ranging from a direct carry-along flight to a series of refueling pit stops along the way. The objective of the model was to minimize the mass that would be launched from Earth, even when including the mass of a fuel-producing plant, and spares that would need to be pre-deployed.
The approach models the movement of cargo and commodities, such as fuel, in a supply chain network in space. Ishimatsu developed a new mathematical model that improves on a conventional model for routing vehicles. He adapted the model for the more complex scenario of long-term missions in space -- taking into account constraints specific to space travel.
The model assumes a future scenario in which fuel can be processed on, and transported from, the moon to rendezvous points in space. Likewise, the model assumes that fuel depots can be located at certain gravitationally bound locations in space, called Lagrange points. Given a mission objective, such as a set of weight restrictions, the model identifies the best route in the supply network, while also satisfying the constraints of basic physics.
Ishimatsu says the research demonstrates the importance of establishing a resource-producing infrastructure in space. He emphasizes that such infrastructure may not be necessary for a first trip to Mars. But a resource network in space would enable humans to make the journey repeatedly in a sustainable way.
"Our ultimate goal is to colonize Mars and to establish a permanent, self-sustainable human presence there," Ishimatsu says. "However, equally importantly, I believe that we need to 'pave a road' in space so that we can travel between planetary bodies in an affordable way."
"The optimization suggests that the moon could play a major role in getting us to Mars repeatedly and sustainably," de Weck adds. "People have hinted at that before, but we think this is the first definitive paper that shows mathematically why that's the right answer."
please share your suggestions with us

with regards 
gurtej singh

Monday 12 October 2015

Nasa Studying How Zero Gravity Affects the Brain
Nasa-funded researchers are studying brain structures and functions of the astronauts aboard theInternational Space Station (ISS) to understand how brain changes in space and ways to deal with those changes.
Astronauts have experienced problems with balance and perceptual illusions in microgravity. The Nasa-funded study is examining changes in both brain structure and function and determining how long it takes to recover after returning from space. Researchers are using both behavioural assessments and brain imaging.
For the study, astronauts complete timed obstacle courses and tests of their spatial memory, or the ability to mentally picture and manipulate a three-dimensional shape, before and after spaceflight. The spatial memory test is also performed aboard the station, along with sensory motor adaptation tests and computerised exercises requiring them to move and think simultaneously.
Astronauts are tested shortly after arriving aboard the station, mid-way through and near the end of a six-month flight.
Structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the brain are done pre-flight and post-flight. "We are looking at the volume of different structures in the brain and whether they change in size or shape during spaceflight," said principal investigator Rachael D Seidler, director of the University of Michigan's Neuromotor Behaviour Laboratory.
According to Seidler, both the behavioural assessment and brain imaging are important to help identify the relationship between physical changes in the brain and those in behaviour. "On Earth, your vestibular - or balance - system tells you how our head moves relative to gravity, but in space, the gravity reference is gone," Seidler said.
"That causes these perceptual illusions, as well as difficulty coordinating movement of the eyes and head," said Seidler.

These difficulties could have serious consequences for astronauts, especially when changing between gravitational environments, such as landing on Mars.
In those cases, astronauts will need to be able to perform tasks such as using tools and driving a rover, and they must be capable of escape in a landing emergency. The study results could also show whether astronauts return to "normal" post-flight because the brain changes back, or if the brain instead learns to compensate for the changes that happened in space.
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